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ProductsYour current location is:Products >> JBR-134a

JBR-134a is new environment-friendly refrigerant of Jinbinggu. It has features such as non-toxic, pollution-free, non-corrosive, non-inflammable, and etc.

Quality standard

Purity, %, min ≥ 99.8
Moisture, ppm, max ≤ 10
Acidity (as HCI), ppm, max ≤ 1
Residue, ppm, max ≤ 100
Content of non-condensable gas in the gas phase, % 1.5

Physical properties

Boiling point, ℃ -29.4 Oil soluble performance Mineral oil or alkylbenzene oil
Vapor pressure (25℃), MPa 0.68 Relative volume of refrigerant, air conditioning conditions 1.10
Latent heat of steam, Kcal/Kg 72.3 ODP 0.01
Density of liquid 0.935 GWP 0.10
Critical temperature (℃) 4.7 Critical pressure (MPa) 115
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